By the time a homeless woman turns to us for help, she has lost almost everything. Being homeless is traumatizing; being homeless while raising children, escaping domestic violence, looking for work, or struggling with addiction can shatter her spirit.
Through classes, counseling, career mentoring and peer support, she gains the tools to rebuild her life. On-site childcare in our Child Development Center and other supportive services are offered in a safe, nurturing environment where each woman and her family are treated with respect.
At Women’s Empowerment, we believe each woman can be the author – and the hero – of her own life. While she may enroll to become job-ready and financially independent, what she reclaims if her dignity, inner strength, and her place in her community. She discovers her empowered voice and becomes the author of her future,. Most importantly, she regains something life-changing and vital: her hope.
Women and children are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Helping each woman achieve self-reliance is the best long-term solution to this shocking fact. Employment is often the critical missing piece for many homeless women trying to get back on their feet. This program helps women re-enter the workforce because we know a job is more than a paycheck. A job provides stability, safety and health for women and their children. And, as we know, when you teach a mother to fish, her family will eat for generations.