self help group

Self Help Group

The poor people are exploited by the moneylender with a high rate of interest, distress sale or mortgaging a valuable or the unripe crop when it is still in the field is the only alternative for a vast majority of the people. The Indian Women And Child Welfare Trust have a focus especially on slums people for the self-income generation group so that the people can meet their financial needs. Microfinance is recognized as a key strategy for addressing issues of poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment. Access to financial services and the subsequent transfer of financial resources to poor women enable them to become economic agents of change. People become economically self-reliant, contribute directly to the well-being of their families, play a more active role in decision-making, and are able to confront systemic gender inequalities. In this regard, the organization facilitated the concept of Self Help Groups among community women to encourage them to participate in their development and work towards day-to-day problems through small savings. It was a major step to realizing economic freedom. 10 Self Help Groups are successfully functioning in the slum areas. The meetings for the formation of new groups and follow-up with the existing groups are a regular feature of the programme. These Self Help Groups have given the members a sense of identity and a common platform to discuss their grievances.

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