This COVID-19 Relief service is providing Immediate & direct support for risk people of Coronavirus such Grocery Food Packet, Mask, Sanitize item, Hygiene Kit support to more than 1300 daily wage workers, Homeless, Street & Slum families, who lost work and earning. Also spread awareness about precaution and prevention through awareness and counseling.
Corona Virus has a devastating effect all over the world. Thousands of innocent people are dying due to this and number of infected people are increasing day by day. Poor marginalized, daily wage workers, Homeless, Street & Slum and nomadic people are not able to Hygiene kit, Foods & Basic need due to financial constraints. As a result, they suffer from adverse effects and their life becomes like hell.
Dry grains, Hygiene kit, Foods Grocery Packet, Mask & Basic need and other necessary things will be provided to these Corona Virus Affected more than 1300 marginalized and nomadic Families. Awareness about the virus and also providing them proper sanitization kit & Foods is an urgent thing to do.