Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust is providing at least 2000 daily wage workers families with food to prevent hunger being the biggest killer during the Corona virus pandemic.
With non-essential workers forced to stay home in India, daily wage workers, most of who live in slums, are being hit the hardest and the situation is worsening day-by-day as they are caught in a vicious cycle of no jobs, no food and no solution in the near future. With many businesses and government services closed, there is limited access to support services. Police blockades and a lack of public transport are also making it difficult for those seeking medical attention.
As Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust already works in Delhi’s slums, we have committed to providing the 2000 families living in the slums with enough food to see them through this crisis. We are also operating a helpline for those needing additional support which includes access to an ambulance transportation service to allow people requiring medical attention speedy and safe passage to health providers.
We will feed every family that needs our help, including the 2000 people living in our slums. By supporting daily wage workers and other vulnerable groups we will improve their chances of surviving the pandemic crisis and reduce the number of people requiring our help once the crisis is over.